Case Study

Mini Solar Car Park and Electric Vehicle Charging Centre

Post time: 2024-06-12

Huijue has revolutionized sustainable transportation with the introduction of its groundbreaking Mini Solar Car Park and Electric Vehicle Charging Centre, a testament to the transformative power of solar energy in combating climate change.

Mini Solar Car Park and Electric Vehicle Charging Centre

Crafted from repurposed shipping containers, Huijue's "instant mini solar parking lot and EV charging hub" can be swiftly assembled in under a day, embodying efficiency and eco-consciousness. This innovative facility boasts an array of electric vehicle chargers, offering versatile 7, 11, and 22-kilowatt charging capabilities to cater to diverse charging needs.

Integrating state-of-the-art solar panels and a robust battery storage system with a 250-kilowatt-hour capacity, this charging centre fosters a cleaner, greener future for transportation. It not only encourages the adoption of electric vehicles but also showcases a rapidly deployable and highly scalable model for advancing sustainable infrastructure. Huijue's Mini Solar Car Park and Charging Centre stands as a beacon of hope, demonstrating how innovative solutions can drive meaningful change towards a more environmentally friendly world