Case Study

Huijue Independent Power System

Post time: 2024-06-12

The Huijue Independent Power System stands as a robust and sustainable alternative to traditional electric grids, transcending the vulnerabilities of overhead lines. These modular, containerized solutions have demonstrated remarkable resilience, maintaining seamless power supply amidst extreme weather conditions, including the devastating December 2021 winter storm, the intense heatwave of August 2021, and the devastating Oak Fire that same year.

During these critical times when California endured widespread power outages, Huijue's autonomous grid systems shone, ensuring uninterrupted electricity to remote communities like Brisburg and Sagorn. This stark contrast to customers of traditional utilities like PG&E and Liberty underscores the value of Huijue's independent energy solutions, which became indispensable when conventional services faltered.

Recognizing the recurring challenges posed by the fragile existing grid, California utilities are now contemplating the costly endeavor of undergrounding power lines, an expense ranging from 3to5 million per mile. However, this approach not only burdens utilities financially but also introduces complexities in maintenance, as accessing and repairing buried lines can significantly prolong outage restoration times. Moreover, it remains reliant on the stability of other grid components.

Huijue's microgrid technology presents a transformative solution. By harnessing decentralized energy resources situated proximate to consumption sites, it minimizes the dependency on extensive and vulnerable transmission networks. This strategic positioning not only mitigates the risks associated with environmental disasters but also slashes costs related to extensive repairs and the installation of underground lines. Additionally, it diminishes the need for costly emergency backup systems. In essence, Huijue's microgrid solutions not only lighten the financial burden on utility customers but also elevate the reliability of their power supply to new heights.

Independent Power System
Independent Power System
Independent Power System