Case Study

New energy photovoltaic micro-site project

Post time: 2024-06-12

The photovoltaic canopy of our project incorporates cadmium telluride solar panels, renowned for their exceptional sensitivity to low light conditions. This feature ensures optimal performance even in dim environments, such as early mornings, evenings, or during cloudy and rainy days, perfectly aligning with the southern region's characteristic of limited daylight hours. Consequently, it guarantees continuous and stable photovoltaic power generation, maximizing energy harvest.

New energy photovoltaic micro-site project

With a total installed photovoltaic capacity of 52kWp, the project anticipates an annual electricity generation of approximately 43,000 KWH, significantly contributing to a reduction in carbon emissions by an estimated 34 tons. To cater to the charging needs of the burgeoning electric vehicle fleet, the project boasts an extensive charging infrastructure, comprising 2 liquid-cooled superchargers, 33 DC fast chargers, and 21 AC-DC slow chargers, capable of accommodating 56 new energy vehicles simultaneously.

New energy photovoltaic micro-site project

This holistic system seamlessly integrates the charging network, microgrid, and energy storage network, fostering a symbiotic relationship between these critical components. It encompasses a multitude of functionalities, including photovoltaic power generation, mobile energy storage, cascade energy storage, orderly charging, and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) interaction, positioning it as a pivotal player in the realm of virtual power plants. This innovative setup underscores our commitment to fostering a sustainable, interconnected energy ecosystem that seamlessly blends renewable energy generation, storage, and utilization.

New energy photovoltaic micro-site project