What percentage of Ghana's electricity comes from solar power?

Post time: 2024-07-22

What percentage of Ghana's electricity comes from solar power?
Based on the available information, the proportion of solar power generation in Ghana's total electricity mix can be analyzed as follows:

2020 Data Overview: As of 2020, Ghana's total installed capacity stood at 5,178.1 megawatts (MW), with solar power contributing less than 1%, specifically 49.1 MW. This indicates that in 2020, solar power generation accounted for a very small fraction of Ghana's overall electricity generation.

2022 Developments: In 2022, Ghana generated 132,000 megawatt-hours (MWh) of electricity from solar sources. Although this represents an increase from previous years, it remains relatively small in comparison to the overall electricity demand and supply.

Long-Term Trends: Despite notable advancements in renewable energy in Ghana, such as plans to increase solar power capacity to 2,000 MW by 2032, the current contribution of solar power to Ghana's overall electricity mix remains low.

It is evident that solar power generation's share in Ghana's total electricity is very limited and far from being dominant. Based on the available data, this proportion likely falls within the range of 0.1% to 1%, though precise figures would require further data support for accurate calculation.