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China Gezhouba No.8 Engineering Signs Ghana's First PV Project Contract

Post time: 2024-08-09

On July 29th, local time, China Gezhouba Group No.8 Engineering Co., Ltd. officially signed the EPC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction) contract for the Palugu Photovoltaic Project in Ghana with the Volta River Authority (VRA) of Ghana.

Located in the Palugu area of Ghana's Upper East Region, the project site was originally selected for the photovoltaic component of the Palugu Hydroelectric Power Station Hub and the advanced water-photovoltaic complementary project. The owner plans to construct a grid-connected photovoltaic power station at this location, with our company responsible for the project's design, procurement, and construction. The project is planned to be implemented in phases, with the first phase having an installed capacity of 15 megawatts and a construction period of 12 months. Upon completion, the project will significantly enhance the stability of power supply in the region, effectively alleviate local power shortages, and bring positive changes to the production and daily lives of local residents and enterprises. Additionally, this photovoltaic project will strongly promote the optimization of Ghana's energy mix, reduce dependence on fossil fuels, and contribute to a green, low-carbon, and sustainable development path.

This project marks the company's inaugural entry into the photovoltaic sector in Ghana, representing a significant breakthrough in the local renewable energy market. Furthermore, it represents another in-depth collaboration between the company and VRA, following the successful signing of contracts for the Akosombo Dam Spillway Rehabilitation and Community Road Rehabilitation Projects in May and June this year, respectively. This collaboration underscores the owner's high level of recognition of our company's contract performance capabilities.